Preparation: Pre-program Questionnaire

Judi Moreo wants to tailor her presentation to meet your needs.  Please fill in the answers to the questions below, skipping over any that may not apply.

When returning this form, please also enclose any printed material you feel would help Ms. Moreo better understand your group.  This might include the history of your organization, newsletters and/or brochures promoting your event.

This questionnaire is used in preparing Ms. Moreo’s presentation for your event.  To ensure that the program is tailored to meet your needs, please return this to our office one month prior to your event.

Easy Options:

  1. Simply fill out this form and submit it online
  2. Or…print this page, write in your responses and return by fax or mail
    (fax # and address at end of form)
  3. Or…if you wish to discuss these with Ms. Moreo by telephone, call (702) 896-2228 to set up a meeting by phone.

* Indicates required fields

Contact Information:

Full Name*:

Company/Associate Name: 

Email Address*:

Address Line 1: Suite/Apt #:  
City: State: Zip:

Phone # (including area code)*:

Alternate Phone # (including area code):

Web Site:

Best Time to Call*:

The Program
Meeting Date:
Click Here to select date

Type of Meeting:

Who’s meeting is this?

What is your Program Theme?

What does the theme mean to your group?

What topic are you interested in?

What is the name and title of Ms. Moreo’s introducer?

What is the start/end time of Ms. Moreo’s presentation?

Start Time :  :   
End Time :  :   

What takes place immediately before and immediately after Ms. Moreo’s presentation?
(meal function, another speaker, break, etc.)

When is the best time for Ms. Moreo to do her room and a/v check?

How should Ms. Moreo dress for her presentation?

What is Ms. Moreo’s role in the program?

Which company executives, if any, will be speaking before Ms. Moreo?

If possible,  please forward transcripts of their speeches to Ms. Moreo to read and use to tailor her speech.Who are the other professional speakers on this program?
Speaker #1:

Speaker #2:

Speaker #3:


Which professional speakers have you used in the past?

What did you like about their performance?

Why did you choose Ms. Moreo as a speaker for your event?

What are your specific objectives for Ms. Moreo’s presentation?

Logistical Information
Which major airport is the closest to the meeting site?

For transportation to and from the airport to the meeting site, would you prefer:

  1. Meet Ms. Moreo at the airport. Where?
  2. Have Ms. Moreo take a taxi. Approximate cost?

Exactly where is the meeting?

Venue Name:

Venue Address:    

City: State: Zip:
( ) - .
( ) -

Meeting Room:

Confirmation number for Ms. Moreo’s room reservation:

Hotel where Ms. Moreo will be staying if not the same as meeting location?

How far away from the hotel is the meeting site?

How will Ms. Moreo get there?

In case of emergency or flight delays, who and where do we call?

Business Phone :
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Ms. Moreo typically prefers to have a light dinner from room service and retire early the night before her presentation. If there is a scheduled event at which her attendance is important, please let us know time, place and appropriate dress.Will you want to record Ms. Moreo’s presentation?
(includes audio)
Recording Company:
Contact Name:
Phone :

Please furnish the names and addresses of your:

President/Executive Director:
(if different from contact)
HR Director:
(if different from contact)
Traning Manager:
(if different from contact)

Audience Analysis:

Number of attendees:

Percentage male:

Percentage female:

Average age:

Make up of the audience (executives, customer service, sales, front line, suppliers, spouses, etc.)

Who are we targeting with this presentation?

What would you like Ms. Moreo to accomplish by speaking to your group?

What three main things should Ms. Moreo know about your group?

What are the challenges of your audience members?

What are the most important changes happening in your company and your industry?

Who is your typical customer?

What is the primary product/service that you sell?

Who are your major competitors?

What are your victories as a company/association/team?

Is there a slogan or philosophy that is commonly used in your association?

Is there anything sensitive that Ms. Moreo should not mention?

Is there anything humorous that Ms. Moreo should know about?

What industry jargon should Ms. Moreo be aware of?

Who would be three people in your organization that would be valuable to Ms. Moreo to interview:

Learning Resources:

Would you be interested in purchasing any of Ms. Moreo’s Learning Resources for participants to reinforce the impact of her presentation?

Conquer the Brain Drain:  52 Creative Ways to Pump Up Productivity (book)

Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Success  (book)

Attitude Is a Choice  (cd)

Communication Is a Choice  (cd)

Confidence Is a Choice (cd)

Unbeatable Customer Service (cd)

Questions and/or comments*:

security code
Please enter security code toavoid spam (lower case letters):

Fax or mail information (unless completed on-line) to Judi Moreo at:

Turning Point International
P. O. Box 231360
Las Vegas, Nevada  89105
(702) 896-2228;   Fax  (702) 896-8871

Why not link our website to your on-line information about your meeting?

NSA Certified Speaking ProfessionalMember: National Speakers Association